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Once again Ed Earl was a featured speaker at the International Builders Show— due to the pandemic the event was held virtually this year. Ed's presentation covers the following topics:
Understand why there's mistrust of the industry, and learn methods to build a strong level of trust with your homeowners by following four principles.
Know the one question to ask to help determine if a client is going to be difficult, and learn effective methods for working with the emotional homeowner.
Learn the latest and best practices for communicating with your clients using technology.
Explore ways of reducing the marital strife that is often associated with projects, and discover effective approaches for working with couples to improve communication.
Think Like a Homeowner:
Build Trust, Reduce Conflict & Provide the Experience Customers Expect

What it's about
For many builders, the most challenging part of the project has nothing to do with construction: It is dealing with emotional homeowners and drama that arises during the project. In this session, the ”Zen Builder” will share his 30 years of wisdom gained from working with a wide range of homeowners. Understand why there is a general mistrust of the residential construction industry, and learn the four steps to effectively build trust. You’ll discover how to identify difficult clients and effective methods for working with emotional homeowners. We’ll discuss the best communication practices using today’s technology, especially in a COVID-19 world.
See Ed's IBS presentation "Think Like a Homeowner: Build Trust, Reduce Conflict & Provide the Experience Customers Expect" here.