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Ideas For How We Navigate These Uncharacteristic Times

Here are some ideas for how we navigate these uncharacteristic times no matter what industry you're in.

Communication is key right now: to your employees, your clients, and your prospects

  • Your employees need your leadership to assure them that you will all get through this together

  • Your clients need to know that you are taking all necessary safety precautions and will update them when you know how external circumstances will impact their schedules

  • Your prospects need to know that your company is moving forward and will continue building after the crisis is over

  • Prepare well-written messages to your customers, trades and vendors.

Keep Marketing

  • Now may not be the best time to be selling, but it is the right time to be marketing in appropriate ways

  • This crisis will leave opportunities in its wake and that is the most important time to be marketing

  • Do not discount your services to try to get business at this time

Pick up the phone and use video conferencing, in this time of social distancing. We are all being barraged with e-mails now from every major business and organization about COVID-19, so don’t be part of the noise. If at all possible, pick up the phone or set up a video conference call.

  • If you send an e-mail, follow-up with a phone call or a voice mail to add a personal touch if possible

  • Do not use the inability to meet face to face as an excuse to e-mail a proposal to a prospective client. Set up a Zoom meeting so you can see their response as you make your presentation.

Seize the moments: With trips postponed and meetings canceled, use these new found openings in your calendar to schedule a time to:

  • Work on business development plans

  • Create new marketing strategies

  • Spend more time with your family and friends

  • Get some exercise or more sleep

  • For those of us who feel they are too busy putting out fires to spend time working ON their business or that they don’t have the time for work-life balance–take this opportunity to focus on these important aspects.

Be Informed, Stay Connected, and Keep Positive. These are trying and uncertain times, here are things you can do to help manage your concerns:

  • Stay informed, but don’t watch the news, which can quickly become anxiety-producing. Instead, use the internet to find insightful and well-researched articles from reliable news sources. There are several good sources. Take this information in measured doses so you stay informed about this rapidly changing situation but you don’t feel overwhelmed.

  • Connect with your peers: now is the time to reach out to your colleagues in your industry-specific groups, professional networking organizations and your local trade partners

  • Be optimistic about the long term and focus on short term solutions

This too shall pass … we will all get through this together!


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